Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Just to document the event

I picked up the girls tonight and Reagan informed me that she needed $5 to join the Chess Club, because she went to Chess Club today and loved it. I replied with something sarcastic of course since I have been trying to get her to just try the one club she can join as a First grader since September. September. Of course she tried it 2 weeks before winter break. And apparently she went today because a friend of hers decided to give it a try. I guess beggers can not be choosers. But I still used the event to remind of her of the words spoken in September by one very wise person about the fun that something like Chess Club could be on winter recess days when the highs are only in the mid-twenties.

So we may start to play Chess with the new found favorite game of Uno!

Just a quick note

Not sure that I have passed this on....

On Saturday when I was taking the girls to Stillwater we got behind a car with two ladies in the front seat. They were both wearing large red hats. I mentioned them to the girls and started to tell them about the red hat groups. We decided that they were on their way to a holiday party and eventually got the chance to pass them. As we did I saw that they were waring feather boas as well. Reagan decided that they had to be going to something fancy. I asked Avery what she thought, she replied with "probably so, they have on their glasses and their wrinkles".

I need to add that she does not want me to mention this to anyone...but I think it is too funny not to share.