Thursday, March 11, 2010

Funny conversation with Avery and a Fire

On the way home last week Avery asked if I knew that her Uncle Sean could not read. She sounded so serious, so sad and so worried. I told her that he could in fact read and then asked why she thought he could not. She replied that when we were skiing Sean kept asking GP how to spell words. Which he did....most of the weekend while playing some type of Scrabble game on his phone. Just when you think they are not listening.....

Or not paying attention.....

Last weekend the girls were left home alone under the supervision of Grandpa and Grandma Skelton who apparently were on the couch reading the paper, watching the news and maybe even napping. Grandmother and Dad had left to run an errand. I was at work. Reagan was hungry.

The girls are allowed and usually help in some form to make their dinners. They are learning to use the microwave and have nearly mastered the art of cheese nachos. Chips, cheese and about 22 seconds. So Reagan thought she could make herself a snack. Since she could not reach the glass plates, she stacked two phone books and reached for a paper plate. Made her snack and and put it in the microwave. This would have all been fine, if the paper plate had not said "Happy Birthday" in a cute silver foil lettering.

Details are still sketchy, but apparently the plate caught fire, Avery got involved at some point and grabbed the fire extinguisher from the pantry, they both stood in front of the microwave and "blew real fast" until it was out and then cleaned up the evidence.

All of this while Grandpa and Grandma were reading the paper, watching the news and maybe napping. They had no idea. I am not sure how Mom and Jason found out or what they saw when they came home....but the mess was clean by the time I came home.

We have now had a lesson on what can and can not go into the microwave.

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