Monday, July 27, 2009

She said...she said

Actually it should be She said “said”….this is a not so new game that the girls have been playing a lot of recently, especially over the nearly 2000 miles that they traveled last week. It usually happens in the car, usually with their best babies or some stuffed toys and of course happens in the land of imagination where they both spend an enormous amount of time. They are each at least one character and each have lines to say…but here is the twist….Reagan makes up all of the lines….including Avery’s. So she will have her toy say to Avery’s “Do you want to go to a swim party today with our friends said of course I would love to and I am going to wear a new suit” Then Avery says “of course I would love to and I am going to wear a new suit”. Notice the duplication/repeat?

It happens all the time. Avery used to never get a word in at all, now she does but her lines are given to her. It’s hard being the little sister.
Reagan may be a great screen writer some day, she gives Avery the lines but also includes stage directions, mood, timing etc and Avery never misses a beat. Never….
On this trip Carter was buckled into his seat between them and stuck in the story…sort of like watching a tennis match…I am not sure that he was bored, entertained or confused….either way we watched most all of it minus the popcorn and sticky theater floor.

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